Welcome to St Mel’s Education Community
We are St Mel’s School, Kindergarten and Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)
St. Mel’s is a proud Catholic Education Community, striving learning and achieving together through Christ our light.
St Mel’s Educational Community is a proud Catholic school, kindergarten and OSHC that strives to provide challenging and meaningful learning experiences that enable us all to learn. We are all learners and everyone can learn.
With our motto‘Christ our Light’ we are empowered to be the best we can and encourage everyone to shine to their potential.
You are welcome to come and visit us at any time.
At St Mel’s our philosophy acknowledges that the child is a capable person, who from birth can readily manage multiple relationships, both Divine and human, that is willing to make meaning of the world about them.
We are a Child Safe Community
We promote diversity and tolerance at St Mel’s Education Community, and people from all walks of life and cultural backgrounds are welcome.
In particular we:
• promote the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of Aboriginal children
• promote the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds
• ensure that children with a disability are safe and can participate equally.
St Mel’s Education Community Shepparton
Principal: Mr Chris Summers
Contact details
School : (03) 5821 3163
Kinder : (03) 5821 9982
OSHC: 0438 213 163
Email: info@smshepparton.com
Click here to see:
our calendar
our Community Reporters page
our canteen menu
our Annual Report to the community
our newsletter and Student/Parent/Teacher Interviews.
To keep up to date with school news and events follow us on schoolsteam Down load the free app for your smart phone or device.

A new era begins… a new learning suite to create new possibilities.